Friday 27 April 2012

Queen's Diamond Jubilee - Creating limited-edition projects

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in June is bringing with it scores of limited-edition branded products.

Designers are having to reconcile brand guidelines with national and celebratory imagery without being too kitsch or jingoistic.

Other problems include legality – no pictures of the Queen – and the fact that there are no official branded jubilee products. One solution is to create non-specific national celebratory imagery, while avoiding confusing the statement with that other national celebration this summer, The London Olympics.

The company Design Bridge seems to have got around this with some style. To Have To Hold Royal Icing Sugar Work for Tate and Lyle last year in the run-up to the Royal wedding has been followed up this year with doing away with ‘Lyle’s Golden Syrup’ in favour of ‘Happy and Glorious.’

Another favourite is Hornall Anderson's edition of Marmite, or Ma'amite as they have branded it.

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